Thursday 22 September 2011

Friends for Life

Friends for life are one of the most powerful assets a human being could have. Life is challenging on this planet. With loving friends who have our back we know that we are not alone in the world.

When we have friends for life we have a built in support system to help us along the way especially when the chips are down. Sharing our weaknesses and challenges in life with a friend who doesn't judge us and instead listens to us share our pain is very healing. Receiving encouragement and positive feedback is such a gift.

It's wonderful to share good news with friends for life as the joy increases a hundred fold. Hugs, pats on the back, positive words to cheer us on during times of celebration warm the heart.

Painting "Energy of Love" by my niece Lorraine Brennan

Joy of Fellowship

The joy of fellowship is a gift that shows up in the smiling eyes of a helpful neighbor, visiting aging parents, having lunch with a good buddy and listening to a suffering friend.

For three years now I have been consistently going to Alanon meetings. Alanon is a spiritual program based on the 12 steps of recovery for the family disease of alcoholism. Weekly I receive the joy of fellowship when we all share our pain, joy, challenges and inspiration for recovery and healing one step at a time in a loving atmosphere void of judgement.

Weekly I share my journey of recovery with men and women who at first are strangers. Over time we become friends who grow together using the 12 steps to guide us to let go and let God. The joy of fellowship in Alanon has allowed the Divine's healing to take place within me by my learning to take better care of self. Learning to detach from my adult child, allowing him his own lessons on his path gives me more space to focus on my life.

Painting by my niece Lorraine Brennan

Suffering Consciously

Suffering consciously is about bearing the weakness of others like Jesus did when he hung on the cross. Meditation, prayer, intention and commitment to one's spiritual path is needed in order to respond to others as Jesus did when he spoke these words to God the Father.

"Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." Jesus

We suffer unnecesarrily when we react to others' weaknesses and judge them for it. Suffering consciously is about witnessing other's weaknesses without judgement and responding instead from love and compassion.

In suffering consciously we are called upon to be humble, understanding and present in the moment to the other person's weakness and suffering. By doing so alchemy occurs where the lower energies are transformed into higher energies creating the "gold" of consciousness from our higher self. The ego or false self wants to be in charge like an undisciplined child. We are challenged to grow and live from our higher self instead.

Friends for life give us this unique opportunity to transform ourselves spiritually by bearing witness to each others journey of the soul with love and compassion instead of judgement.

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