Sunday 2 October 2011

Make Your 2011 Holiday Decorations Memorable

Its time to start planning for your home, office, church or school Holiday events and decoration, and if you want a Winter Wonderland, indoors or out, you can do that with instant fake snow. Give yourself a white Christmas you and your guests will never forget. With realistic sparkling white instant snow you have an easy, affordable and dramatic way to get the results you want on any surface and for every type of event.

When people see a Nativity, windowsill, centerpiece or other large or small area covered with a couple of inches of perfect looking snow, they will immediately touch it and be amazed that it feels cool and wet. They will wonder where your "real" snow came from, and why it does not melt.

Artificial fake snow made from powder with the addition of water instantly gives you a dramatic edge and sets the stage for your event. Whether your guests are adults or children or both, everyone will find the snow to be the most realistic and exciting holiday decoration they have ever seen.

You can get as creative as you want with instant snow, which goes well with every type of decor and theme, from an elegant silver and china table setting to a fun filled children's event where kids lie down in the snow and make snow angels, have a little snow throwing game, or take turns sitting in the snow for holiday photo cards.

On the tree or under the tree, this sparkling white snow highlights everything around it and cleans up easily when you are done. But make sure you have enough, because you can be sure your guests will all want to take home a bag of snow to use at their own event. Used indoors, instant snow lasts for weeks or months and is easily reusable.

Outdoors for a one day event you can decorate your porch or yard the same way a film crew sets up a snow scene for a movie or commercial. And if you want to add further drama to your event or create attention at the entrance or in front of your house, business, school or church, add a snowfall effect so that you have snow falling from above and also on the ground below. Snow machines shoot evaporative foam snowflakes into the air and they fall and drift nearby, evaporating quickly but causing quite a sensation. With snowfall from above and instant snow on the ground, you can have that perfect Holiday event you always dreamed of.

Since 2001 Richard Bayer has been distributing SnoWonder Instant Snow after extensive market testing. Professional photographers, event and wedding planners, retail stores, and consumers looking for the most dramatic Winter themed decorations for the holidays and throughout the year visit for the best artificial snow on the market.

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