Sunday 2 October 2011

An Insight Into Spanish Culture

Spain is one nation that stands out from the rest in terms of richness and diversity, when it comes to cultural heritage. It is, however, noteworthy to mention that the Spanish culture has been greatly inspired by other cultures from around the globe, but largely the Arabic, Celtic and Roman ways of life. The effect of this intermingling of these cultures is evident in the Spanish architecture, arts and cuisine, just to mention a few.

Spanish Lingual is the certified language in Spain. It also features as mother tongue for most Spanish natives, making it widely spoken throughout the country. The alteration of syllables that took place during the 15th century has seen the birth of new Spanish words adapted from various languages. With Spain ever calling for tourists from all over, many foreigners are increasingly becoming conversant with the language.

Spain is a culinary hotspot, whose cuisine is inspired by sea food a big deal. Many recipes coalesced from the numerous cultural backgrounds in the country constitute fantastic Spanish dishes ranging from appetizers to desserts. Bona fide Spanish cooking habits use olive oil, beans, tomatoes, pepper and potatoes as the primary ingredients, which make Spanish cuisine good for bodily well being. Wine has a special place in dining habits amongst a majority of Spaniards. Spain ranks third on the world's producers of distinctive top quality, full bodied wines. It is therefore customary for the Spanish to have a meal accompanied by a glass of wine, if not a dairy-based dessert or fruit.

When it gets down to religious affiliation, a majority of Spanish natives are Roman Catholics, while the rest attach themselves to other denominations. As opposed to ranging religious groups, the Spanish put aside their disparities and have coexisted peacefully over the years.

Life today is on a globalized world, where fashion ideas are born and spread throughout the world simultaneously. Spaniards feature a contemporary perspective when it comes to stylish clothing. As opposed to teenagers, older Spaniards dress conservatively but with an equal sense of style. Numerous accessories pleasing to the eye can be spotted amongst both genders in Spain.

Special celebrations of great significance are held at various times of the year by the Spanish people. The traditional culture in Spain includes numerous fun activities through which natives can unwind and relax their minds from the hustle and bustle of daily life. Other festivities not based on traditions, but have found their ways into Spaniards' way of life, are the religious catholic practises and various national events.

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