It is first important for you to make sure that you purchase in bulk. If you don't purchase in bulk then you are not going to be able to make such a decent profit on each item that you sell. As long as you know that you are going to be able to sell the jewellery in the end, you shouldn't be too concerned about putting down a little bit of investment straight off.
Once you have your collection then you should look for various places where you will be able to shift it. One option would be to go to a flea market in the local area. Here you will get immediate exposure and can therefore make your money back straightaway. The more professional you look with your setup, the more customers you will have gravitating towards you.
A yard sale is another option, but it is only really applicable if the area in which you live is relatively busy and appropriate. You also need to remember that you can only have two yard sales per year in many places if you want to stay within the boundaries of the law.
Local adverts will also yield the results that you want to see. You can place adverts in local classifieds and in the local papers. Describe the items that you are selling and then simply include contact information for interested parties to get in touch with you.
Of course, the Internet should also be utilized as well and in particular you should focus your attention on eBay. This is the world's largest marketplace, giving you all of the opportunity you will need to shift all of your jewellery.
Yes, the Internet should be utilized as well eBay to sell jewelry. This is the world's largest marketplace, giving all of the opportunity to sell.